Thursday, August 1, 2013

Olive Oil Benefits- For our life

Olive oil has gotten a lot of attention through studies on Mediterranean diets and popular eating plans like that Flat Belly Diet, which encourages consuming olive oil. This all appears to be much more than hype as the 2008 Medicine International Conference in Spain touted olive oil as a component to a healthy diet. The many benefits of olive oil appear to be worth including in your diet, if it meets the approval of your physician.

Due to such demand a lot of olive wholesale is available from dealers and markets which is why anyone can buy olives in bulks. As long as they know the proper way of extracting the juice or oil into its virgin form, the olives won’t go to waste. However, it is best to have the oil extracted by professionals to retain all the essential components that are actually beneficial.

  Olive oil may not only protect your liver from damage, but reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer as well. The health benefits of olive oil may extend to your waistline too. Some studies show it helps with fat loss especially if you use it in place of other oils and fats. On the other hand, don't get carried away since olive oil is high in calories.

  Olive oil's benefits make it a popular choice among people who are health-conscious, but Mayo Clinic and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warn against using olive oil in addition to your standard fat sources. Instead, the FDA suggests using olive oil in place of less-healthy fats. If you are overweight, consult a nutritionist or health care provider about the benefits of olive oil; an expert can give you tips to increase your olive oil consumption while reducing your overall calorie intake.

Olive oil is discovered to have an antioxidant property which makes it perfect for combating diseases and infection causing bacteria. It also contains essential fats that can keep anyone’s skin moisturized and supple. Due to these properties, a lot of cosmetic companies incorporate olive oil into their products because a lot of women go for these. They just add other wonderful ingredients like Vitamin E.

  Because of the low-fat craze that consumed U.S. during the 1980s and 1990s, many Americans still consider all fats to be "bad" or unhealthy. However, evidence suggests that a diet containing large amounts of the right kinds of fats can surpass a low-fat diet in terms of its health benefits. Olive oil's health benefits shine in the Mediterranean, where, according to Mayo Clinic, people experience low rates of cancer and heart disease despite consuming a high-fat diet dominated by olive oil. Here are just a few of the many benefits of olive oil:

 Protect Your Skin   Whether you include it in your diet or rub it on your face, olive oil appears to be good for your skin. The Daily Green notes that people have been using cosmetics with olive oil for centuries because it is a great moisturizer. Dr. Leslie Baumann, who wrote The Skin Type Solution, touted both consuming olive oil and applying it to the skin. According to Dr. Baumann, olive oil may also help protect against skin cancer because of the antioxidants it contains.

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