Thursday, August 1, 2013

Benefits of Honey -For our Health

Honey is by far one of the best natural sweeteners and healing agents since the very beginning of time. Who knew a buzzing bee could produce such a wonderful healing agent. Today if raw honey is used opposed to prescription medicine it would be considered alternative medicine. Alternative medicine is any way of healing the body, spirit or mind outside of the highly pushed conventional way.

      Honey is literally good for both the external body as much as the internal one. The hair if conditioned with honey becomes soft, shiny and manageable. This is because of the propolis contained in honey, which allows it to seal moisture in the hair strain. Honey can be used as a body scrub if mixed with something grainy like oats or sugar. It will soften the skin as the oats or sugar rubs off the dead cells.

       Honey has been used medicinally for thousands of years, but only in the last few years has interest in the benefits of honey grown in the mainstream medical community. New interest was sparked after several studies showed honey that honey to be an effective treatment for wounds and burns because of its antibacterial properties. In fact, honey seems to even destroy bacteria that are resistant to traditional antibiotics, and may fight MRSA - one of the toughest and most serious bacterial infections to treat.

        When a hive becomes overpopulated, it's time to swarm. A group of worker bees will create a new queen, gorge themselves on honey, and prepare for a long and difficult journey to find the perfect location for their new home. Scout bees will buzz away from the swarm to investigate potential nesting sites while the bulk of the swarm will drift clumsy and exhausted from tree branch to tree branch taking every opportunity to rest.

         Researchers tested the effects of honey against a variety of bacteria that were resistant to antibiotics. After using a special technique to look at each component of honey and its effects on bacteria, they were able to identify a protein called defense-1 protein they believe is responsible for the antibacterial effects of honey. This protein originates from the immune system of the honey bee, which accounts for its ability to destroy disease causing bacteria.

         Many scientifically researches approve that honey is an excellent food, past studies from California University, Davis showed in March 2004 that everyday consumption of honey especially raw, raises polyphonic antioxidant blood levels and reduces damage risk by radicals which are free, hence honey reduces risk of cancer. Daily usage of honey reduces risk of cancer, stomach infections and high blood pressure.

        The benefits of honey are endless. Some other uses of honey are for depression, eye disease, burns, wounds, ulcers, skin rashes, and the prevention of tooth decay. Some scientists are even finding its ability to halt tumors from cancer in mice and rats. As mentioned earlier, honey should be taken regularly in the diet to prevent and assist with optimum health. Honey can be used as a tonic. This drink can boost energy levels because of its high mineral content. What a super food!

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