Saturday, August 17, 2013

Advice For Migraine Symptoms

Migraines have become more and more popular in the world as they are affecting millions of people everyday. The severe pain is often on one side of the head and sometimes occurs with symptoms such as sensitivity to light, vomiting, dizziness and nausea. Through the years, it will be progressively worse if you do not take action early.

 First the blood vessels surrounding the brain becomes dilated and starting pressing on the adjacent nerves. It is still a mystery though on exactly how and why these blood vessels dilate although it seems that there is some form of chemical signal that is activating the pain sensors in the trigeminal nerve that runs from a location near the skull center, up and over the eyes and then towards the forehead.

  Like all traditional and alternative treatments, it may not work for everyone and it may not be ideal for everyone. However, I have not used any pharmaceutical medications or traditional medical treatments for just over two years now. Acupuncture has been relatively successful for me. I still get the occasional migraine, but they are not as intense as they used to be. I see my acupuncturist one to two times a month for preventative treatment, depending on my stress level and symptoms.

  A migraine is a type of headache, caused by spasms of the arteries leading into the head. Migraines are a particular form of recurrent headache that often run in families. It is characterized by throbbing head pain, often greater on one side. Sensations such as visual changes, called auras, may precede a migraine. Migraines may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. In rare cases, weakness, language problems or other neurological disorders are associated with the migraine.

  Stroke and migraine aura can have similar symptoms. Problems can occur if what's known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA) is mistaken for a migraine. TIA is a minor stroke and it is a powerful warning that a sever stroke may follow. The symptoms of a TIA are identical to those of a full stroke, but disappear within 24 hours. Migraine aura and TIA's have similar symptoms, such as speech disturbances, weakness and problems with vision. Since the symptoms of TIA's go away within hours, the person may mistakenly believe they suffered nothing more than a migraine.

  Often though of as genetic, a migraine is a type of headache that is referred to as a vascular headache. Meaning that it has to do with the vascular system of the body. Migraine headaches are caused by an enlargement of the blood vessels in the brain that cause nerve fibers coiled around them to be stretched and to release certain chemicals. These chemicals cause pain, inflammation, and further enlargement of the arteries. As the arteries continue to dilate the stretching of the nerves is enhances causing the pain to become shaper and more severe.

A migraine attack typically goes through four distinct phases where the migraine sufferers will encounter certain migraine symptoms for each phase.

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