Thursday, August 1, 2013

Lemon juice good for health

    Lemon juice is a good cleaning compound. A lemon has a powerful acid in it that can make life for bacteria difficult. A lemon contains the strongest acid in it then any other food and that acid is a powerful cleaner that freshen and sanitizes as it cleans. Lemons have a very pleasant fresh scent that makes them desirable as a cleaner. When something is cleaned with lemon juice it smells very nice.

       Pamper yourself with lemons. Skip the trip to the manicurist this month. Soak your nails in a bowl mixed with the juice of one-half of a lemon and one cup warm water. After five minutes, remove your hand and push your cuticles back. Then take the lemon peel and rub it back and forth gently against your nails. This will clean and whiten your nails. Lemon juice can also be used as a mouthwash. Take a tablespoon from the green bottle of lemon juice in your refrigerator and swish with it for thirty seconds. No more, as the acidic proprieties can be harmful to tooth enamel.

      Wheat grass can be applied both orally and externally and it can be used to treat and cure numerous conditions. Wheat grass contains nutrients that can be classified into different groups. There are crucial enzymes, with their catalyst nature, various vitamins and minerals necessary for processes occurring in our bodies, and a wealth of chlorophyll, the highest content in nature, which represents a multi-potent substance, capable of tackling different issues, but more about this later on.

        Nothing is worse than finding out your tomato soup lunch tastes like your significant other's reheated bacon from breakfast. To prevent these issues, place lemon rinds into a bowl of water and microwave for 2 to 5 minutes (5 minutes for tougher food build-up.) Wipe away the steamed interior with a towel for a clean, fresh-scented microwave. This works especially well for food that's exploded and crusted onto the microwave's interior.

        Cure a Cold    While there is much debate about whether or not lemons can actually cure a cold, lemon taken along with garlic and honey can help to ease cold symptoms such as sore throat. The high vitamin C content in lemons also helps to shorten the duration of the cold virus, getting you on the road to recovery much faster. For best results, take lemon juice three or four times per day when you have a cold. If straight lemon juice is unpalatable, you can get the same benefits by using lemon in hot tea or by eating roasted lemon.

       One of the main problems of working with the options of the traditional diet is that it usually turns out to be a comprehensive process on its way to a weight loss program successful. Besides not see quick results, as a program is also quite extensive and can even affect your digestion process. Therefore, it becomes quite an arduous task to achieve your weight loss goals when the process of digestion is in ruins. In fact, experts have warned that these methods tend to worsen the problem of weight loss rather than alleviate it.

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