Sunday, August 18, 2013

Details Of Sleep Tips

Becoming a new mom is a wonderful experience full of joy and happiness. Unfortunately along with the good stuff, comes stress and anxiety. It is important to get as much sleep as you can. Sleeping well allows you to feel your best emotionally and physically. Not to mention, sufficient sleep helps maintain your energy level and alertness. Below are five sleep tips for new mothers.

 Bedtime Routine    A bedtime routine can help a toddler wind down from the day and transition into "sleepy mode." It can be very simple and easy. At my house, we do a bath followed by a story and song. After a short cuddle time, it's bedtime. The routine has proved so effective, I've continued it with my older children past toddler hood. Not only does it help prepare my children for a good night of sleep, it has become a time of bonding for all of us.

 One of the easiest ways to get some rest is to sleep while your newborn is napping. During the first few weeks of having your baby home, refrain from doing chores and other tasks while your baby is sleeping. Do not feel guilty for taking the opportunity to get rest. Your body needs the down time to heal from the labor and delivery, so don't hesitate to take a nap with your baby.

 Snuggly Friend    A snuggly friend can help prevent a toddler from getting scared at night. Often called a "lovey," these stuffed animals, blankets, or soft toys provide a source of comfort to a toddler. Some children will become attached to a snuggly friend and others will not. My oldest child had no interest in sleeping with anything until he became older, but my younger two both became attached to their snuggley friends as toddlers. Try to be sure a snuggly friend can be easily replaced in case it becomes misplaced!

  Get up and read a book for a minute or get a little fresh air if you don't fall asleep within 20-30 minutes because staying in bed will only exasperate the problem.

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