Saturday, August 17, 2013

Easy Advice In Ringworm - The Facts

Miconazole nitrate is sold under the brand name of Monist at and is used to treat fungal infections.  Find out what infections this drug can treat and learn about possible side effects and warnings.
  Ringworm is spread by spores produced from the infection. A touch from an infected person or animal will spread the spores. It can be spread to clothing, bedding, backpacks, and anything the infected person or animal touches. Cats are more likely to carry and transmit ringworm. Ringworm spores are resilient and can survive up to 1 year in an environment.

The best way to avoid getting ringworm is to stay away from people or animals that are known to be infected with it. Make sure that you do not come in contact with the exposed ringworm area as it is spread by skin-to-skin contact. Make sure if you have it that you do not let anyone use your personal items such as a washcloth, towel or your hairbrush.

  Ringworm is a highly contagious fungal infection and is easily passed from one child to another, children rarely identify the patch on another child as a highly contagious fungal infection, and play anyways, much to the chagrin of their parents. Ringworm infections can rapidly spread through a family or school through the sharing of clothes, hairbrushes and combs, touch and unwashed surfaces.

Ringworm appears as a patch of thick, scaly skin, causing a loss of wool or hair. Oozing or redness may occur at the site. The disease typically, but not always, appears as a round lesion that varies in size. The disease derives its name from the circular pattern it creates, that was once thought to be caused by insect larvae. Lesions appear ten days to four weeks after exposure to the fungus. Without treatment, the patches disappear in four weeks to eight weeks. Wool or hair may regrow within eight weeks to sixteen weeks. Once the skin is no longer thickened or scaly, and lost hair has regrown, the lesion is virtually cleared of infection.

  First and foremost, take your kitten to your veterinarian who should confirm the diagnosis and prescribe topical cream and perhaps medication to be administered orally to the kitten. Although ringworm is not fatal, it is annoying and sometimes difficult to completely eradicate, so follow your veterinarian's instructions exactly and use all medication prescribed. There are natural remedies available online, but consult your veterinarian before trying any of these on your kitten.

  If you see the round circular patch of skin on your child and suspect that they may have ringworm, you should take action immediately. If you would like to be absolutely certain, you can carry them to a doctor who will examine a patch of the skin to ensure that it is indeed a ringworm infection and prescribe medication. Most anti-fungal medication such as shampoos (such as head and shoulders and selson blue) can be used on the scalp as well as the skin to help control and remove most ringworm infections. If this is not effective then an over the counter or prescription anti-fungal cream should clear it up very quickly. If a particular medication is not functioning correctly, you could try switching to another medication with a different active ingredient that may be more effective.

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