For those who dislike weekly meetings and do not want to mess with prepackaged food purchases but instead find that they are perfectly capable of following the guidelines set forth in any diet cookbook themselves, the Atkins Diet and also South Beach Diet work best. With the South Beach diet being perhaps the less expensive and also healthier of the two, the approach is quite similar: carbohydrate intake is severely curtailed in favor of a protein rich meal plan. Insulin secretion is manipulated to permit hard to lose weight to be shed gradually and consistently.
Jenny Craighas been a staple on television commercials for a long time and the approach consists of meetings for emotional support during the dieting phase in conjunction with specifically prepackaged food you need to purchase. It is hard to pinpoint the actual cost of the program, and you will be wise to contact your local center for a nuts and bolts breakdown.
I had tried literally every diet on the market. Sugar Busters, Dr. Atkins, etc. However, none of them seemed to work. My doctor said that it was because I was so young my body didn't want to respond to the diets. However, I knew that my body also didn't want to have over 100 extra pounds resting on top of it. It wasn't until one day that my history teacher came into the classroom and told me about this diet. It was developed by the American Heart Association for cardiac patients who were needing to loose actual body fat, not water weight, before surgery. So what is this diet? Well, it is simply called the 3-Day Diet. I know, it doesn't sound that impressive, but don't always judge something's merit by its name. During the process of the diet, you will loose 10 pounds of actual body fat. But how? Well, it happens through a chemical reaction due to the type of foods that you are eating. When you are on this diet, you absolutely know that you are dieting, however, after the first day you can absolutely tell that it is working.
A ninth diet option is the medically supervised weight reduction with the help of prescriptions. Using Orlistat (Xenical), Tenuate, or Meridia is a way of speeding up the metabolism, tricking the body into suppressing hunger signals, and also eliminating 30% of ingested fat without permitting it to be metabolized are the approaches the medications take. When coupled with any of the diet options aforementioned (except of course the first three) and adding a generous dose of exercise into the mix, you cannot lose (other than the weight, of course).
Last but not least is the water diet, also referred to as the "before, during and after" diet. There is nothing miraculous about this approach but instead it incorporates a healthy dose of common sense with a healthy activity. Modify your diet to cut out unhealthy choices and instead include healthy foods at normal portions. Then drink an eight ounce glass of water before the meal, another one during the meal, and then finally one when you are done eating. Weight loss may be as much as 10 pounds per month.
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